Luce – Dried Up


Dried Up

Single, Digital
Released 20/09/2024

Submerged in the phone screen, ignoring a pile of clothes, hiding in the bedroom: Coping strategies that often happen and rarely help. “Dried up” by Luce addresses the re-emergence of these habits. And scares away the frustration about it.

Because the four-piece band plays its way out of the slump. The synthesizer bounces, the guitar squeals, the bass throbs and the drums roll along. While the lyrics by Tiziana Greco (voc, synth) describe the dreariness, the playful melodies encourage confidence – things will get better. Beda Mächler (guitar) and Mirko Geiger (bass) join in on the chorus, while the rhythms of Aline Stadler (drums) inspire progress.

“Dried up” is the second single from the upcoming album ‘Blue Star Soft Eyes’ (release date: 18 October 2024, Red Brick Records). The eight songs contain material the band worked on for over a year and recorded at Timo Keller's studio „Vom Dach“. The production was supported by the Canton of Lucerne with a contribution from its „Selektive Förderung“ funding program. 

Low moods and one's own path back to the surface are recurring motifs on the album. “Dried up” adopts and adapts them. Transforming lethargy into lust for life through the joy of playing music together.